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Voter Information

Voting is a hallmark of free society and, as such, you play a special, critical role in every election by exercising this American right.  Please take the time to know your candidates and how they align with your own values and priorities. If you are not familiar with their positions or the way they vote, ask them. Don't be shy about wanting to have the very best representation.  Judge a candidate by the positions they take, their optimism and ideas to make your life and our community better, safer, more affordable, better educated, more accessible or, whatever is most important to you. Insist on Integrity and a plan. If a candidate has nothing positive to say, avoids specifics about what they've done or plan to do - press them.  If their pitch is a litany of badmouthing others, think twice! 

Get to know them, their record, their results, their experience, and their track-record of success. Have they been recognized or honored for their accomplishments?  The best usually are.  Google them.  Check-out their voting record, community service, transparency, how well they communicate, and their responsiveness. Find out for yourself if they listen, then dedicate themselves to what's best for the entire town, not just extremes.  An elected public official cares what's important to you, your family, the beautiful town in which we live and the state we call home.

Experience really does matter, So does trust. Resiliency and empathy matter. None of this develops overnight. Actions speak louder than words.  Anyone can talk-the-talk and promise the moon, but results are what sets a good public servant above a wannabe.  Will they be there for you in challenging times, not just the good ones?  

Newtown specific voter information for the November 8, 2022 general election is not yet final but, you can see preliminary information, including Registrars' hours, voter registration, party affiliation and polling location details in real time by clicking Newtown Registrars' Voter Page, or copy & paste:

CT Secretary of the State (Stephanie Thomas's) site contains a world of great information about voting, from on-line registration to finding out if you're already registered to vote, where and even WHY? on the Secretary of the State's (SOTS') site .

Click on this link: CT SOTS Voter Information Page, or copy & paste:



Paid for by Mitch for Newtown 2024, Derek Pisani, Treasurer.
Approved by Mitch Bolinsky.
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