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Saturday, July 27, 2024 12:25 AM

​Bolinsky to Host Newtown Senior Legislative Update in August

NEWTOWN- State Representatives Mitch Bolinsky (R-106), Marty Foncello (R-107), and State Senator Tony Hwang (R-28) are inviting Newtown residents to a senior legislative update at the Nunnawauk Meadows on Thursday, August 1st.

The update will be at Nunnawauk Meadows, in the Community Building at 3 Nunnawauk on Thursday, August 1st from 2:00pm-4:00pm.

The conversation will cover the major topics from the 2024 legislative session and acts of particular interest for senior citizens.

Sunday, July 21, 2024 4:42 PM

The Chief William T. Halstead Memorial Bridge Dedication

State and local officials will be among those gathering at Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire & Rescue Company’s main station Saturday afternoon, when they will lead a celebration to rename Bridge No 00505 — which carries Church Hill Road over I-84 — The Chief William T. Halstead Memorial Bridge.

State Representative Mitch Bolinsky said last week he and others have worked hard to make this happen, and hope to see a nice gathering at the fire station for the dedication ceremony. Chief Halstead died just over two years ago, on July 8, 2022, after returning home from a fire call and then suffering a fatal heart attack.

The public is invited to join his family, his fire company, and friends and former colleagues for Saturday’s celebration, which will take place at 1:30 at 18-20 Riverside Road. The ceremony will include a facsimile sign presentation and words from the late chief’s family and friends. In addition to Mitch, local and state officials planning to attend include First Selectman Jeff Capeci, Newtown's Chief of Police, David Kullgren, State Representative Marty Foncello and State Senator Tony Hwang.

Refreshments will be served, and the event is free and open to the public.

Friday, July 19, 2024 6:09 PM

Bolinsky Scores PERFECT Business Voting Record Again!

HARTFORD- Connecticut’s leading business organization, CBIA, recognized State Representative Mitch Bolinsky (R-106) with a perfect 2024 legislative voting score on key business, jobs and economic-growth oriented bills to shape Connecticut’s business climate and spur economic growth.  Rep. Bolinsky has earned a 100% score from CBIA in every one of the 12-years he has served in the General Assembly.

“We must always remember that it is people – innovators, entrepreneurs, and business leaders – who create jobs and economic opportunity – not state government.  The best things government can do to grow prosperity, good jobs and quality of life in our state is to facilitate collaboration & cooperation among the private and public sectors, and cut bureaucratic red-tape, said Rep. Bolinsky.

See the complete news item by clicking on the title, above...

Sunday, July 14, 2024 5:02 PM

Grateful For Champions Of Local Control - a letter from Phil Carroll

To the Editor,

With the subject of higher density housing coming up so frequently lately, I appreciate that Newtown still has a voice in these issues, because there are those in Hartford who see local approvals and town government as an antiquated hurdle to their vision of "progress". They would rather see decisions made by regional planners and State bureaucrats. I am thankful for the work of our legislators Representative Bolinsky, Representative Foncello and Senator Hwang, all who have been champions of the “Local Control” cause, stopping bad bills (there are many) while raising sincere concerns such as lack of infrastructure and the impact on watersheds.

Please click on the title to read the full letter...

Tuesday, July 9, 2024 5:33 PM

Reps Bolinsky & Foncello Deliver Education-Focused Legislative Update to BOE

Representatives Mitch Bolinsky (R-106) & Marty Foncello (R-107) visited the Board of Education to deliver a legislative update at a Tuesday, July 9 meeting held in the Newtown Municipal Center’s Council Chambers.

According to BOE Chairman Alison Plante, the board usually has Bolinsky and Foncello deliver an update at the beginning of the legislative session. However, scheduling challenges forced them to visit after the session ended.

Plante believed that this worked out for the better, since it allowed the BOE to hear about what Bolinsky and Foncello worked on while up in Hartford.

Bolinsky kicked off the meeting by giving the board excerpts from the 2024 Major Public Acts, explaining that it is published annually by the Office of Legislative Research (OPM) after each session to summarize bills that come before them and pass into law.  The focused of this BOE meeting was a review of education-related topics and children’s issues.

Both Bolinsky and Foncello serve on the Education Committee, as well as the Appropriations Committee, giving them a prime vantage point to not only see and develop educational policy, but also advocate for its funding prioritization, according to Bolinsky.

See the entire article and photo by clicking on the title, above...

Tuesday, June 25, 2024 5:16 PM

Bolinsky Shares in Girl Scouts Gold Awards in Sandy Hook Ceremony

The Newtown Girl Scout Service Unit honored four local Girl Scouts who earned the Girl Scout Gold Award from 2023 and 2024 with a special award ceremony on Saturday, June 15 at Newtown United Methodist Church.

Scouts Jocelyn Bazuro, Julia Brennan, Ashley Guerrera, and Jillian Hoag all earned the award for “exemplifying the Girl Scout mission, displaying courage, confidence, character, and making the world a better place”, according to Girl Scouts of CT Gold Award Committee member Heather Smith.

The Girl Scout Gold Award is regarded as the highest and most prestigious award in Girl Scouting, and is comparable with the Boy Scouts of America’s Eagle Scout merit.

For the complete article and photograph, please click on the title...

Saturday, June 15, 2024 8:07 PM

Bolinsky & Hwang Meet Constituents for 2024 State Legislative Roundup

State Representative Mitch Bolinsky joined State Senator Tony Hwang, hosting Legislative Community Update on Saturday, June 15, at Newtown Senior Center.  In addition to reviewing the now concluded state legislature’s 2024 regular session, the two lawmakers discussed legislative priorities, achievements, as well as new laws, leaving ample time for public questions and answers.

Bolinsky reported passage of a duo of Public Acts in the Aging Committee, where he is a Co-Leader, saying “The only way that I can describe this to you is to say that it’s transformational legislation.  We will have transformed life and aging for the 26% of Newtown residents over the age of 60.  AARP has already acknowledged to us that, CT, once the 40th ranked state for elder quality of life and care, is likely to jump to number three in 2025 with the advent of these changes, and the introduction of a 'presumptive eligibility' home care option for many elders. This supports an AARP research finding that 75% of seniors and their caregivers, prefer home care choice over what used to be a lack of choice, with few alternatives to nursing home and skilled nursing facility commitment, under the old Medicare and Medicaid rules." 

Bolinsky expressed gratitude for the opportunity to co-lead the bipartisan collaboration on these reforms, and helped carry both high-profile initiatives to overwhelming bipartisan support. 

The first Bill,  HB-5001, dubbed "The Speaker's Bill", is now Public Act 24-39, (An Act Supporting Connecticut Seniors And The Improvement Of Nursing &Home-Based Care),  It expedites Medicaid coverage for home-based care to let seniors age in place, sets higher standards for community, home-based care, and also to empowers the ombudsman role for oversight.  It also allows home and family caregivers to get additional training, and qualify to be reimbursed for their choice to provide quality care in the home setting. 

Hwang and Bolinsky both said this part of the bill was “very controversial,” Bolinsky noting it was removed on four occasions, only to be battled back in by his co-leader, Representative Jane Garibay, and him - each time.

The second Bill, dubbed "The Governor's Bill", HB-5046, is now Public Act 24-141, (An Act Promoting Nursing Home Quality of Life).  It places significant quality of life reforms into nursing care, nursing homes, and rehabilitation facilities.  He added that a measure to address nursing home overcrowding was also controversial, but, as a critical reform, it was also battled back in, and passed with overwhelming bipartisan support. 

The first measures to roll out begin with PA 24-39, beginning July 1.  Bolinsky concluded by saying that this and PA-141 represent “a lifetime’s work.”

Thursday, June 6, 2024 5:54 PM

Newtown Commission on Aging Discusses Grant Funding

The Commission discussed receiving funds through grants and awards to address the various needs of senior residents at its latest meeting.

Director of Human Services Natalie Griffith opened her report on May 20 by saying that she has no updates on the commissions recently applied for grants, as discussed in last month’s COA meeting.

She did, however, learn about the approved allocated funds that came as a result of State Representative Mitch Bolinsky. According to Griffith, Governor Ned Lamont's office granted Bolinsky $100,000 of American Rescue Plan Act funds to be applied “in a way that he saw fit,” as recognition for the work he has done as the head Republican on the Aging Committee.

“Then he brought it to us and asked [on] what we could utilize $100,000 for,” Griffith explained. “And that would obviously work towards those efforts that are focused on aging in place and combating social isolation; something that wasn’t just a one-time purchase, but instead something that we could build that has a lasting impact.”

To see the entire article, please click on its title...

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 6:49 PM

Bolinsky Celebrates State Indoor Air Quality Grants for Newtown Schools

NEWTOWN- State Rep. Mitch Bolinsky (R-106) hailed the awarding of $3.5-million of 2024 state indoor air quality (IAQ) grants to Newtown Public Schools.

The grants were awarded through the HVAC Indoor Air Quality Grants Program for Public Schools, a state program administered by DAS. It was created as part of the budget adjustment bill that Governor Lamont signed into law in 2022 (Public Act 22-118).

In fiscal year 2023, DAS had committed $56 million to projects across the state to address indoor air quality in school buildings.

Rep. Bolinsky, one of the state’s biggest IAQ advocates for 12-years, supports healthy, clean air in all schools and public buildings. He expressed gratitude for these grants to improve air quality, reduce illness, allergies, and exposure to environmental dangers inherent in many older buildings.

“I want to extend Newtown’s most sincere thanks to the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) for our inclusion in the second-round of IAQ Improvement Grants!  These projects will result in health benefits and ensure a more comfortable learning environment for our students, educators, staff, facility, and visitors."

See the full release by clicking the title, above...

Thursday, May 2, 2024 12:34 AM

Bolinsky Achieves Elder Care Goal After Decade Of Work

Newtown’s State Representative, Mitch Bolinsky, has passed a “huge aging bill”, 143 to 3, calling the comprehensive measure a “huge, transformative bill on aging in place, that will change things for the way people age in their homes.”

Bolinsky is a ranking member on the House’s Aging Committee.

“People don’t want to have to go to a nursing home,” said Bolinsky. “This will help end involuntary commitments.”

Items that could never be considered for assistance before are now able to be reasonably accomplished, according to Bolinsky, such as adding wheelchair ramps or widening doors to a bathroom in homes.

Before there were no options for a loved one to stay at home in cases like someone suffering with Alzheimer’s, according to Bolinsky.

“This is a quantum leap,” said Bolinsky, who told The Bee that he has been working on this legislation with others in the Aging Committee for at least 10 years.

...Please click on the title for the full story

Friday, February 16, 2024 10:10 PM

Bolinsky, Rep. Foncello & Senator Hwang Host a 2024 Pre-Session Forum and Listening session

A Sunday pre-session town hall-style meeting provided the Newtown community with an open forum to freely ask questions to their elected lawmakers. The Newtown legislators introduced themselves, each member gave a brief rundown of the committees on which they serve, and their priorities for the upcoming legislative session.

“After we shared what we believe will be the Governor’s priorities for 2024, we discussed some of the positives and successes our delegation had in 2023, we were happy to move into a Q&A format to share a broad range of residents’ concerns and what they’d like us to focus on. From the heavy burden of energy costs in our state, to the jump in the cost of food, health care and lack of affordable housing, it’s getting harder to make ends meet. I think most of the folks in our forum agreed that they love Newtown for its character and non-cookie-cutter ways, so it’s critical that we keep fighting to maintain local control of our zoning and open space. The same goes for our schools, and attendees seemed to agree that is better for Newtown kids when our teachers are teaching, not when they’re distracted by state-mandates, one-size-fits-all reading programs and preparing reports for state bureaucrats that have never set foot in their children’s schools. It was also interesting to hear from families who felt our state does not adequately support parents interested in home-schooling.” said Rep Bolinsky, continuing:

“There was certainly plenty of concern about traffic on our local roads, non-enforcement of traffic safety laws, and all the ways I-84’s inadequacies and pop-up lane closures cause our residential streets to grind to a halt when traffic problems force frustrated, unfamiliar motorists onto local roads, It’s no secret that our residents feel DOT ignores what we all recognize is the urgent need to put the third-lane, and sound buffering on I-84. In the last 30-years, traffic volume, speeds and dangers have grown exponentially – but the roadway, and most or Routes 6, 25 and 34, have not. This needed to be on the drawing board yesterday, especially with our recent influx of new residents. Residents were happy to know that we’ve met with DOT and local officials about the problems, and we have a working list. Addressing it and seeing progress can be a slow process but, doing nothing is not an option.”

Thursday, February 15, 2024 10:25 PM

Newtown Delegation Honors Local Hero

Newtown’s State Legislative Delegation was proud to nominate and announces the induction of Newtown’s William Ford Law Rodgers (Will) into the Connecticut Veterans Hall of Fame as the member of its Class of 2023. The Hall of Fame recognizes Connecticut veterans who have made significant contributions to their communities after leaving military service.

In the words of Representative Mitch Bolinsky (R-106), “Will Rodgers is such a very humble, quiet man.  We’ve known each other for more than 20-years, and in that time, without being flashy, he’s always struck me as a guy with extraordinary intellect and a good heart who’s ever-ready to step up and do what’s right.  Everyone should know how special this honor is.  Only 125 Connecticut men and women veterans have been inducted into this Hall of Fame.  That’s pretty good company, Congratulations, Will!

Wednesday, December 20, 2023 9:30 PM

Bolinsky Secures $300,000 State Grant for EverWonder Children's Museum

State Representative Mitch Bolinsky (R-106) along with State Rep Martin Foncello (R-107) and State Senator Tony Hwang (R-28) on December 15 announced that EverWonder Children’s Museum, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in Newtown, will be the recipient of a $300,000 state grant being awarded by the State Bond Commission.

The funds will help support the museum’s recent relocation and expansion. The announcement followed a special meeting of the commission on Friday.  A subsequent 2024 Economic Development and Humanities grant to support the museum's capital program will be pursued in the coming year to facilitate acquisition of space to accommodate a doubling of the popular museum's space and program capacity, establishing it as a Regional Center for STEAM learning, and enrichment.

Bolinsky said he was “very grateful to Governor Lamont, [Office of Police and Management] Secretary Beckham, House Leadership and members of the State Bond Commission for this grant award. “EverWonder is a local family treasure,” Bolinsky added. “From its founding in 2011, when a group of local ‘children’s museum-loving moms’ dreamed of creating a comparable experience closer to home for local and neighboring families to enjoy, to this day, their growth has been remarkable, having accelerated beyond the original dream.”

Thursday, May 18, 2023 9:50 PM

Bolinsky's Work for CT Seniors Earns a "Standing O" from The Bee

Let us offer a “Standing O” to Newtown State Rep Mitch Bolinsky, who enthusiastically supported PA 23-161 in his capacity as a member of the legislature’s Aging Committee, which had been fighting for these types of protections for over five years. The bill that was just signed into law provides a new, proactive set of protections for seniors by establishing guidelines to engage and empower banking and financial services providers to disclose to them or a trusted agent incidents of possible, or out-of-the-ordinary financial activity for closer scrutiny. 

Their authorized broker-dealer, investment advisor, financial institution and/or probate court administrator may then flag such unusual activity, and execute a temporary account hold to prevent possible, or probable, financial exploitation.

Saturday, February 18, 2023 9:21 PM

Newtown Legislative Delegation Is Digging In - from The Newtown Bee, January, 2023

Rep Mitch Bolinsky and Senator Tony Hwang — have ... hit the ground running. Through their frequent interaction with and visits to the office of The Bee, we know their constituent service never really ends. We also know that both have been working tirelessly in recent months preparing for this current session, to ensure the needs of their constituents, including ours in Newtown, are addressed.

We trust Bolinsky’s and Hwang’s combined decades of state legislative experience will continue to serve Newtown well, and we look forward to robust input from all three of our delegation members as the current session continues to chug forward toward its early June culmination.

Monday, April 18, 2022 9:50 PM

2022 Candidate Profile: Bolinsky Running Unopposed In the 106th

Despite running unopposed for his 6th-term in 2022, Rep. Bolinsky still presented a  "full platform" of goals focused on the issues that matter to "The People and Businesses of Newtown".

Saturday, June 19, 2021 7:00 AM

Bolinsky Reflects On 2021 Legislative Accomplishments

From The Newtown Bee: June 19, 2021:

State Representative Mitch Bolinsky (R-106) said, among his best legislative accomplishments of 2021 were his Appropriations Committee intervention to secure $5 million in temporary support for Connecticut's Children’s Museums, including Newtown's EverWonder, all reeling from the state's March shutdown-response to the COVID-19 Emergency; the Newtown delegation's ability to provide $2.6 million in state grant dollars to reduce Newtown's municipal bonding for the Sandy Hook Permanent Memorial; and his lifesaving work to modernize our state's law requiring back seat passengers to wear seat belts.

Bolinsky cited his marketing background and predisposition to "work across the aisle" for many of his accomplishments. As a member of the minority party in Hartford, Bolinsky said it was a matter of both practicality and necessity to always seek to engage in such bipartisan collaboration.

For the Children's Museums, upon an initial “humble ask” from our local museum for "just enough to cover their utility bills and get through the summer", Bolinsky learned that nine other children’s museums across the state also needed help, so the lawmaker sought to utilize unused CARES act funds to assist all the affected museums.

At the time, with no certain reopening date yet set, Bolinsky, a long-serving Appropriations Committee member having years of line-item budget experience, set out to find underutilized line-item dollars in the existing budget framework.  In short order, and with the blessing of the Appropriations Chairs, a bill for $2.5 million was drafted, with $180,000 earmarked for EverWonder.  The money was taken from unused 2021 funding for art in parks, he explained.  And since this funding was derived from a two-year grant, the museums would collectively receive another $2.5 million next year, for a total of $5 million, across the ten museums.

To read more, click the above link...

Monday, October 26, 2020 12:02 AM

"Mitch Gets Things Done" with Style! An Inspiring Letter from Isabella, Natalie & Leslie

"Whether you’re a Republican or Democrat, please reelect Rep. Mitch Bolinsky. I am a hairstylist in town and we were all out of work as of March 20th. Each of us quickly submitted claims of unemployment and the owner, Leslie Beard, applied for the small business stimulus.

We all did what was asked of us, and continued to have issues with the DOL. We made repeated calls, wrote letters, sent e-mails, and received nothing from March until June. It was frightening and added to the pressures of the situation.

Finally, I came in contact with Mitch and he e-mailed me back within hours. He explained how he was going to handle it, and within ten days I had all ten weeks of my unemployment money deposited into my bank account. I actually sat and cried out of relief. The state had sent an e-mail in response to my many pleas for help finally in August, but Mitch solved it in a matter of days. He did the same for owner Leslie and many others who have struggled with the DOL during the pandemic.

We generally try not to talk politics in a salon environment, but Mitch is the exception because of what he has done for us and continues to do for the people. He is a legislator who cares and only wants to help and attack the issues head on as they come."


Isabella Perugini, Nathalie Lariviere, and Leslie Beard

Friday, October 23, 2020 11:37 PM

Bolinsky Offers Experience as Representative, an Endorsement Letter from Joe Girgasky

"Newtown needs the continued, experienced support of Representative Mitch Bolinsky. Mitch has built eight years of successful leadership that cannot be matched by his inexperienced opponent. Mitch has shown his support for police, he’s defended domestic violence policy, he routinely offers guidance to Newtown residents with insurance and/or unemployment issues and he’s stood up in support of legislation benefiting all of Connecticut. These are just a few of the items on Mitch’s resume.

Mitch has voted to and influenced fellow legislators to defeat tolls five times. Mitch supported the rebuilding of the Sandy Hook School and did not support the recent unjustified Eversource rate increases. These are facts, traceable, and cannot be blurred. Mitch works around the clock for his constituents. For example, during Thanksgiving of 2019, Mitch helped 18 Newtown families secure heating oil for the winter months. Further examples would fill this page. During these uncertain times a novice will not have the capacity to serve our community nor the state as effectively as our incumbent. Mitch is the only individual that can effectively stand up for us. Join me in voting for Mitch Bolinsky for State Representative."

Joe Girgasky

Friday, October 23, 2020 11:29 AM

"Inspired to Vote" Inspiration from Troy Kinnard, a Descendant of John & John Quincy Adams

"Not being a very political person, I had an issue that arose and needed help. I turned to State Representative Mitch Bolinsky. Mitch returned my call and I had explained to him my issue, and [he] worked on my behalf to resolve the problem. I can honestly say to my fellow Newtown residents that he truly does care about you, and works hard as your Representative. In fact, I decided to vote for the first time in decades because of him. I know nothing about the person he is running against, but have gotten to know Mitch. He is well qualified and will continue to serve Newtown with distinction. Every vote counts, and yours does too."

Troy Kennard

Thursday, October 22, 2020 11:21 PM

Neighbor, Friend and Caring Representative, to the Editor from David Landau

"Over the years I have seen Mitch go to bat for Newtown residents time and time again, whether it’s his persistence on helping our senior residents, or just helping someone in town who has a specific need. I can think of no one better to represent all citizens of Newtown, and his experience and resume speak for themselves.

As our representative, Mitch has served on the Education Committee, where he works on critical issues for Newtown children. Through Mitch, Newtown has a voice in that important committee where he hears and collaborates on bills that set policy statewide. As Connecticut’s financial woes create massive budget pressures, Mitch has fought and saved millions in funding for our children’s schools. He has secured many grants for our community.

I know Mitch is quite proud of the work he has done for the Special Education community, from the many bills he has passed to co-founding the IDD Caucus.

Mitch is a caring person who always seeks to help those in need. He is a kind neighbor and a great friend.

Please join me in supporting Mitch on November 3rd."

** Note: In addition to his work on the Education Committee, Rep. Bolinsky also serves on the legislature's powerful, budget-writing Appropriations Committee and is a dedicated leader on the state's Aging Committee. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020 1:13 PM

Place Trust in Mitch Bolinsky, a Letter from Robert Hall

Fellow citizens, vote for Mitch Bolinsky!

I trust him to vote for and against proposed bills in the General Assembly solely in the interests of Newtown and its residents.

There are two major issues facing the next session. One is revenue. It should be savings, but with our governor... it is going to be "revenue". Mitch has never voted for a tax increase, like tolls for instance and I trust him not to do so next year. While I cannot say conclusively that his opponent would raise our taxes, she does belong to the party which has an established record of doing so...

Tuesday, October 20, 2020 11:43 PM

From Ryan Knapp: Support Newtown Police with Bolinsky's Thoughtful Leadership & Policy-Making, Not Flawed, Late-Night Expedient Secrecy

"I am usually of one mind with Dan Rosenthal when it comes to local issues, but I strongly disagree with his letter regarding the recent police bill.

Meeting with the Chief of Police and understanding local concerns should have been done well before declaring a position. After the fact is too late. Resignations have been tendered, and excellent candidates dissuaded from applying. Crime is up. Trust is broken. The handling of this bill was incredibly disrespectful to the officers who put their lives at risk during our worst moments.

Dan knows on the local level we would not pass something flawed just to pass it. Most of our delegation raised concerns with the bill as written, while Rebekah Harriman-Stites made the impetuous declaration that she “would have voted in full support of this bill.”

This is a microcosm of Connecticut’s transparency problems. It was called in special session, at 1 am, during a pandemic. There was no public vetting and important local input was shut out. It put political urgency over good policy making. It was understood to be flawed, yet passed anyway. It is no surprise police groups are speaking against Democrat candidates.

Sadly, this type of behind-closed-doors governing and not knowing what is in bills is far too common with Hartford Dems.

Part of a legislator’s job is to scrutinize language and weigh the unintended consequences. To be objective and temper reactions. To represent all constituents, including police officers and their families. Public safety is too important an issue to be reckless with for political points.

This highlights the dichotomy between the candidates. Please join me in supporting proven, objective and thoughtful leadership in Representative Bolinsky.

My comments are my own and not on behalf of the Legislative Council of which I am a member."

Wednesday, October 14, 2020 12:08 AM

A Special Town, A Special Candidate, A Special Dad, by Rachel Bolinsky-Morrone

"I have a word for Mitch Bolinsky. Dad. Throughout my life, he’s been my dedicated father: caring, loving supporter and open-minded, encyclopedia of life experiences.

There’s never been a time in my life when he’s not been looking out for me and others. For the last eight years, day and night, I’ve watched him share his love with an entire town. He never gets in anyone’s face, but always makes time, earning a reputation for trustworthiness, integrity, hard work, and being a good listener. He combines all this to make what’s wrong, right.

His love and devotion to Newtown was immediate when we moved here in 2000. [The very first day] My brother and he attended a Cub Scout meeting at Head O’ Meadow, where he stepped-up to be a Tiger leader, eventually building Pack 470 to over 100 families. He’s taught hundreds of teens to be considerate, safe drivers. He even “ties the knot” for new families as Justice of the Peace.

He’s been a 24/7, tireless fighter for hundreds of families needing a hand up in this pandemic.

My father has always been my hero. Many memories are of his dedication to others above himself. He gets goosebumps helping people. Whether just thoughtfully listening, or a gentle hand; checking in on a sick neighbor — he’s there, never for a headline. His smile is real, his jokes are corny, and his strength has guided me through any struggle I’ve faced..."

There’s no better choice for Newtown than the man who’s my inspiration. Reelect Mitch Bolinsky on November 3rd.... Newtown’s special. So is he."

Thursday, October 8, 2020 12:44 AM

Newtown is Lucky to Have Mitch Bolinsky, a letter to the Editor from John Godin


"It is with enthusiasm that I endorse the reelection of Mitch Bolinsky for State Representative for the 106th District.

I had the pleasure of working closely with Mitch while on the Board of Finance and in his prior two reelection campaigns. I have never seen such a tireless advocate for Newtown than Mitch. His caring for constituents, and his patience in listening to their concerns is second to none. With Mitch, it is irrelevant what your party politics are because if you live in Newtown, he represents you.

The other thing about Mitch that people take for granted is his honesty and humility. After serving as his campaign treasurer for two election cycles, I came to appreciate how great a person he was and how lucky Newtown is for having him as their state representative. If anyone tells you otherwise about his moral character, they are being disingenuous and self-serving.

I urge everyone in Newtown to cast their vote for Mitch on Election Day."

John Godin

Thursday, October 1, 2020 1:00 PM

The Experience & Passion to Help his Hometown, by Phil Carroll

"I am writing to endorse my neighbor and friend Mitch Bolinsky. Mitch has a solid record working hard for the people of Newtown...he jumps right in to help...and has always been a great advocate."

Thursday, October 1, 2020 9:00 AM

What Matters & Who Gets It? To The Bee from Kathy Hurley

Connecticut needs job growth and a recovery from the COVID pandemic. Connecticut and the entire nation need to support first responders and our police as they risk their own lives in saving others and protecting all of us.

Mitch Bolinsky understands these are some of the big issues that need to be addressed. He has always championed these causes right here in Newtown and at the state level.

It’s no surprise that he recently secured the NFIB (Nat'l Federation of Independent Businesses) Connecticut PAC endorsement for his commitment to the needs of thousands of Main Street small businesses and their employees in Connecticut.

It’s no surprise that he also recently secured the Police Officers Association of Connecticut (POACT) endorsement based upon his strong support and advocacy on the public safety issues that affect Connecticut communities and for his support for fair working conditions for the men and women who serve us all so faithfully.  


Mitch gets it. NFIB gets it. POACT gets it. You should too.

Vote Bolinsky on November 3.

NOTE TO READERS: In addition to POACT, Rep Bolinsky has earned the statewide law enforcement endorsements of the Connecticut State Police and the Connecticut Fraternal Order of Police.  He is also endorsed by CT Realtors and its 17,000 members.


Wednesday, September 30, 2020 12:00 PM

Striking a Balance with Bolinsky. A Hopeful Letter from Lois Barber

"More than ever, it is important to strike a balance of power between political parties to achieve equity and fairness in Hartford. The only hope Newtown and the rest of Connecticut has, to fight tolls and keep Connecticut an affordable place to live, is to keep Republican representatives from allowing Democrat governors to ram new taxes and an out-of-control state budget down our throats, while cutting funds to suburbs, like Newtown.

One such example was the state’s 2017-2018 budget, which would have cut our schools from receiving nearly five million dollars of state education funding! The cuts were reversed by Mitch Bolinsky’s hard work and diplomacy. Luckily, we have that kind of fighter to represent our best interests in Hartford, and it is why I am endorsing Bolinsky.

Being a Republican in the sea of a Democrat-run state is not the sole reason to vote for Bolinsky. He is not a knee-jerk politician who will only vote along party lines. Mitch is someone who shakes hands across the aisle when the bill benefits the citizens of Connecticut, and always a respectful person who is open-minded, and listens to and understands an opinion different from his own. Although Bolinsky is a tough fighter for us, he is thoughtful and caring about both young and old. He not only fought the cut which would have affected our schools, our town’s budget, thus our property taxes, but fought to restore state cuts to special education. He is recognized by AARP and the Alzheimer’s Association for his dedication to our seniors.

Many, especially during this pandemic, are at the breaking point of keeping afloat financially. In addition to helping others get the pandemic benefits they deserved, Mitch has never once voted for a tax increase, nor tolls. Keep Newtown affordable. Vote Bolinsky.

Monday, September 21, 2020 12:00 PM

National Federation of Small Businesses (NFIB) Again Backs Bolinsky in Connecticut

Thank you, Small Businesses!!!   - Mitch

"NFIB CT PAC believes that you will be committed to the needs of thousands of Main Street small businesses and their employees in Connecticut when you are reelected to serve in Hartford.

NFIB is the leading small-business association in the nation with thousands of members in Connecticut representing a cross-section of the state's economy. For more than 75 years, NFIB has been advocating on behalf of America’s small and independent business owners, both in Washington, D.C., and in all 50 state capitals. NFIB is nonprofit, nonpartisan, and member-driven. Since our founding in 1943, NFIB has been exclusively dedicated to small and independent businesses and remains so today."

d your news summary here.

Friday, September 11, 2020 11:54 AM

Governor Extends Emergency Powers Through February, 2021. Bolinsky Prefers "Month-to-Month" & Asks Reconsideration

“As State Representative, the lawmaking and state policy voice of 25,000 Newtowners, I feel it’s critical that we in the legislature come together to deliberate, fine-tune, and vote on important issues, as we did during the July special session and may do again in September.

“We’ve learned so much and come so far. Governor Lamont has led a good effort to bring us through this emergency and I have been supportive all the way until now. This is the time for the governor to reengage with the elected state representatives who have that special, direct link to the people of our state,” said Bolinsky. “We must continue to use the best available science and data to make decisions that don’t cause unnecessary and sustained harm to the social fabric of our communities, peoples’ livelihoods, the business community, and the overall economy.”

Bolinsky contended that Newtown residents’ desperation over job actions and business closures is turning to frustration and leaving many feeling they have no voice because the government is ‘closed.’ He said extending the emergency powers of one man into 2021 at a time when science and the CDC indicate that the threat has been reduced for all but the most vulnerable individuals amongst us, is worthy of reconsideration.

“We’re in an unprecedented time, but it’s also an important time to make sure we do all we can to protect the people of our state without using broad, ‘one-size-fits-all’ solutions everywhere and indefinitely. I prefer the approach the state took to reopening our schools. They issued ‘guidance’ and resources but left the hard decisions up to each district because no one knows better what’s best for Newtown than Newtown,” concluded Bolinsky.

“I have heard from constituents who support a similar reopening model for our economy. We already have the guidelines, by phase. Shouldn’t we let localities decide based on their unique circumstances and be ready to pivot quickly if or when a resurgence begins?

Isn’t that the essence of democracy?”

Friday, September 11, 2020 10:00 AM

Rep Bolinsky Again Endorsed by 17,000 CT Realtors

Connecticut REALTORS®, which represents 17,000 members involved in all aspects of real estate in Connecticut, we are pleased to relay our Association has voted to endorse the candidacy of 4-term Representative Mitch Bolinsky for Connecticut’s State House District 106.

Real estate is essential to economic recovery and stability in the state and helps to build communities. The Association carefully evaluates candidates who have and will supports a positive environment for living in or transferring property in Connecticut. 

Add your news summary here.

Thursday, September 10, 2020 10:45 PM

Rep. Bolinsky's 2020 Introductory Mailer

Friday, September 4, 2020 11:38 AM

Bolinsky: Constituents Have Opportunity to Comment on Eversource Rate Hikes & Storm Response

The state’s Acting Consumer Counsel, Richard E. Sobolewski, announced that all Eversource customers will be provided another opportunity for public comment on Eversource Energy’s recent rate increases and related issues.

The additional public comment hearing comes following the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority’s (PURA) consideration of the Office of Consumer Counsel’s (OCC) Motion requesting further opportunity for live public comment on behalf of those ratepayers who may not have been able to attend the initial hearing. PURA heard initial comments from the public at a hearing on Eversource’s rate increase on August 24. Given the extended length of that hearing OCC expressed concerns that some consumers who wished to speak were unable to remain present until the public comment portion of the hearing.

“Public comment is crucially important for regulators to hear and all comments become an official part of the PURA record in this investigation. Too often the voice of the public is excluded from the regulatory process—I encourage every single Eversource customer to contact my office to register and ensure that PURA takes their input into account.”

The PURA public comment hearing was held via Zoom on September 10, 2020. Consumers may contact the OCC via email at or by telephone at 860-827-2900.

Following the receipt by consumers of higher than anticipated electricity bills in July, Governor Ned Lamont requested that PURA investigate recent rate increases by Eversource. The investigations are occurring in PURA Docket No. 20-01-01. OCC is actively participating in both proceedings to ensure that the perspective of electric ratepayers is adequately represented.

PURA is still accepting written public comment and those Eversource customers who wish to comment in writing are encouraged to submit their written comment to PURA via e-mail at referencing Docket No. 20-01-01. Up to date information on upcoming hearings and registration information may be accessed on PURA’s Calendar of Events.

In addition, PURA has scheduled three upcoming public comment hearings for October 21st, 22nd, and 23rd at which time the public will have the opportunity to comment on Eversource and United Illuminating’s responses to Tropical Storm Isaias. Members of public seeking more information should contact PURA at the e-mail address above referencing Docket No. 20-08-03.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020 10:00 AM

Bolinsky, Hwang & Rosenthal Call for Eversource Accountability

Eversource let us down.  Share your concerns and opposition to Eversource's large, badly-timed, pandemic rate increase we're trying to roll back by submitting testimony to the state's Public Utilities Regulatory Agency (PURA)  before their August 24 hearing, on Zoom at 10 am!

Anyone planning to log in and participate must register ahead of time by CLICKING HERE

Those wishing to just view the meeting may do so online by tuning into or on Zoom, using meeting ID number is 927 7463 1605.

Written testimony becomes part of the public record. To submit constructive testimony, residents are asked to compose and e-mail it three days prior, to and to copy

Tuesday, August 11, 2020 5:07 PM

Elaine Mandulak: When I Needed Help, Only Bolinsky Responded...

To the Editor:

I would like to give praise to State Representative Mitch Bolinsky.

I wrote to a few politicians asking for help with a problem I am having. Months went by with no answer. A friend told me to write Mitch Bolinsky, that he tries to help people all the time.

I mailed a letter to Mitch and within three days he called me. I explained my problem and he said he would see what could be done.

This is the type of politician the people want and need. Mitch has given me hope.

So, thank you, Mitch, for providing a light at the end of a very dark tunnel.

Thursday, August 6, 2020 4:36 PM

Bolinsky, Hwang and Chaudhury Speak to the Dangers of Distracted Driving

Add your news summary here.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020 5:30 PM

Isabella Perugini: Immense Gratitude For Help From Rep Bolinsky

"Someone like Mitch being a part of our government honestly gives me hope, and brings me peace knowing that there are elected officials who actually care about people and their communities."

Wednesday, May 20, 2020 9:24 PM

Rep. Bolinsky Unanimously Nominated for Fifth Term

On Wednesday night, May 20, 2020, Representative Mitch Bolinsky received the unanimous and enthusiastic backing of Republicans in Newtown for re-election to the Connecticut State House of Representatives!
“Thank you for putting your trust in me for a fifth-term, representing Newtown's 106th State House District in Hartford. It's going to be a hard-fought campaign and I'm counting on the support of all of you. Together, we are mighty and, more than ever before, these Post -COVID-19 times call for strength and resolve to put the pieces back together."
"Through this crisis, my focus has been 100% constituent service and making sure Newtown voices are heard and considered in Hartford.  When state agencies fail us, break the Governor's promise of temporary assistance and stop returning phone calls, I'm here for you.  I've helped hundreds and hundreds of our neighbors fix problems caused by deficient state processes and agencies that are fundamentally unprepared to provide critical supports."
"It took a pandemic to demonstrate to everyone in the state that we can no longer allow special-interests and career politicians to protect and enable inefficient, 1980's-era dysfunctional state agencies. Dinosaurs like DOL, DMV , DPH and others need to be re-invented to serve the people whose tax dollars pay the rent.  Let's teach 'Big Government' that it works for its people ... not the other way around.  "Reelect me and we'll get this fixed."


Representative Mitch Bolinsky



Friday, October 19, 2018 3:58 PM

Bolinsky Endorsed By CBIA - State's Leading Voice for Business

The Connecticut Business & Industry Association (CBIA) endorses incumbent Mitch Bolinsky for Newtown's State Representative.

In a statement, CBIA President, Joe Brennan endorsed Mitch among an elite group of Republican and Democrat lawmakers who "understand CT needs an environment where companies can compete, attract much-needed investment to our state, and drive economic growth and job creation."

CBIA is the leading voice for business in the state, representing thousands of member companies, small and large, across a diverse range of industries and business sectors. — at Connecticut State Capitol.


Tuesday, October 9, 2018 12:00 AM

A Wholehearted Endorsement from a Newtown Icon, retired Middle School Teacher, Don Ramsey

I want to wholeheartedly endorse Mitch Bolinsky for re-reelection to the Connecticut State Legislature.


As a devoted family man, Mitch feels deep concern for the future of Connecticut. His own children are the best testimony of his love for Connecticut...because he continually inspires a deep patriotism to the fiber of their character. I know that to be true because I met Mitch in my capacity as a teacher to his son and daughter in middle school, years ago. Both are deeply committed to making this state a better place in the example of their dad.

Of course, Mitch is competent way beyond the bell curve of lawmaking, leadership and mastery of issues facing local and state constituencies. He is incredibly approachable to the average person like me and will take generous time to engage in controversial issues. He is actively empathetic to individual concerns close to home. His is literally a “backyard” neighbor with a gifted way of solving complex problems.

Meet him for yourself, and my opinion letter may be totally confirmed in an instant.



Monday, October 8, 2018 12:00 AM

Mitch Bolinsky Understands Seniors & Has Clout - A Letter from Jane & Don Sharpe

We have a voice in Newtown and Hartford. Mitch Bolinsky is our means. He understands the state budget and is a sensible decision-maker and careful spender. He’s a recognized leader in the Connecticut General Assembly and has been Newtown’s voice for six years.

He finds sensible solutions in concert with others, regardless of party. Whether in the House or the Committees for Education, Appropriations, and Aging, he works for Newtown. He and First Selectman Dan Rosenthal speak regularly and work well together.

Mitch has clout. As seniors, we have clout, too. We make up one third of Newtown’s population. Yet our voting record is abysmal.

In this next election, we need to vote and support the right person: Mitch Bolinsky. He gets it — and has already proven his ability to deliver.


Sunday, October 7, 2018 10:10 AM

A Representative for Tough Fights & Making Things Right - A Letter from Peggy Jepson

"We need a representative who will take on the tough fights, never give up, and work to move Newtown and the state of Connecticut forward at the Capitol."

"...Mitch and I started to discuss the importance of introducing a An Act Concerning Newly Discovered Evidence in 2015...his support gave me courage to continue on my journey to make this bill a reality for the wrongly accused in our great state."


[Despite resistance in the state's Judiciary Committee, Mitch persisted for three years] "in our quest to make this a statute in Connecticut and help right some mistaken wrongs by shining technology’s new light on them."

[We persisted. Mitch persisted and, in 2018], SB-509 passed the Senate and the House and was signed by the Governor, amending Connecticut General Statute 52-582, Section one to allow the introduction of new evidence. We won!"

Friday, October 5, 2018 9:57 AM

Representing Newtown & Our State with Caring and Honor; A Testimonial from Platform to Employment Founder, Joe Carbone

"Mitch has been a champion for job seekers and families pursuing a better life, employers that endeavor to grow their enterprises, and a compassionate advocate for vulnerable populations."


"As the leader of southwestern Connecticut’s workforce development board, I am grateful for his extraordinary support for the state’s long-term unemployed and holistic approaches to help people regain a financial foothold. Mitch is a frequent visitor to our job training classrooms to share his personal story of perseverance, which instills optimism and confidence in others. I have thought about his remarks and leadership on many occasions and appreciate his candor.

Mitch’s advocacy for education, economic development, and setting partisanship aside for the betterment of our state has made the difference for hundreds of households."

Friday, September 28, 2018 4:05 PM

NFIB Endorses Bolinsky for Re-Election - Lawmaker Recognized for Pro-Business Efforts

The NFIB Connecticut PAC just announced that it is endorsing Rep Bolinsky's candidacy for the Connecticut General Assembly in this November's election. NFIB is the leading small-business association in the nation with thousands of members in Connecticut. In a letter to Mitch, the group wrote: "The NFIB CT PAC believes that you will be committed to the needs of thousands of Main Street small businesses and their employees in Connecticut when you are elected to serve in Hartford." #StandByMitch#MitchForNewtown

Wednesday, September 12, 2018 12:00 AM

A Representative Who Recognizes Our Means - Attorney Robert Hall's Letter

"I want a representative in Hartford who recognizes that before we can live within our means, we have to know what those means are. That person is Mitch... a representative who, for example, pushes a bill to prohibit cutting the educational cost sharing grant for Newtown, as Mitch did or do you want a representative whose views on the subject are unknown and whose party voted to sustain the governor’s veto of this critical action." - Robert H. Hall

"I point to a very small example of pure common sense on Mitch’s part from the CGA web page. In 2017, Mitch was a co-sponsor of House Bill 05465. That bill would have required the legislature to determine what the state’s revenue for the next year would be before beginning to make appropriations. What could be more sensible?" - Robert H. Hall

Wednesday, September 12, 2018 12:00 AM

A Concerned Citizen Likes ‘Mitch For Newtown’ - Armel Kouassi's Letter to Neighbors


"You cannot go wrong with Mitch Bolinsky. Vote for the best person, regardless of party. Mitch is the right candidate; you only need review his record. The list of his accomplishments is too long to list in this letter.

I’m inspired by his hard work to get Newtown its fair share... Last year, he led the fight and restored $11 million of public school, special education, and town money taken by the governor.

Mitch offers genuine, pragmatic, and honest insight into our lovely community’s problems and needs. He listens closely to concerns and rises above the unproductive political discourse we see in Washington. That sets him apart from the other candidate’s predictable partisan chatter." - Armel Romeo Kouassi's Letter to The Newtown Bee

Tuesday, September 11, 2018 12:00 AM

"Support Mitch Bolinsky’s Re-Election" - Matt Mihalcik's Letter to the Editor

"As a millennial Newtown resident who recently moved into my first home with my wife, we are focused on the long game. What will Connecticut be in 10, 20, or 30 years? What will Newtown be? What will that mean for her business, my career, or cost of living?

We need elected officials in Hartford like Representative Mitch Bolinsky, people grounded in common sense who have a long term vision of growth, taking the responsible approach... [He's] stood strong on fiscal reforms to make sure our state lives within its means, just as we Newtown families do.

Mitch understands there are families in our community who are struggling to just tread water, let alone get ahead. He is a tireless worker and strong advocate for the residents of Newtown, and we are fortunate to have him in Hartford." - Matt Mihalcik

Thursday, September 6, 2018 12:00 AM

Bolinsky Endorsed By 17,000 Connecticut Realtors

State Representative Mitch Bolinsky (R-106), was again endorsed for re-election by Connecticut Realtors, the state’s leading voice for residential and commercial real estate, representing more than 17,000 members statewide.


“We are pleased to relay our Association has voted to endorse your candidacy for Connecticut’s 106th State House District… The Association carefully evaluates candidates in determining who may best ensure there is a positive environment for living in or transferring property in Connecticut. Real estate is essential to economic recovery and stability in the state and nation and helps to build communities.” - Michael Barbaro, President of Connecticut Realtors

Thursday, September 6, 2018 12:00 AM

Representing ‘With All My Soul’, an open letter from Mitch


"There’re so many things to love about Newtown. Monday, our special town celebrated its 57th annual Labor Day Parade and everything nicer about Newtown became an awesome community group hug... Thank you, Newtown!

You, the people of our community, are the force that drives me to represent you with all my soul in the State House of Representatives. I LOVE this town!” - Rep Mitch Bolinsky


Wednesday, September 5, 2018 12:00 AM

An Important Decision To Make - Robert Morey's Letter to the Editor

"Voters in Newtown’s 106th district have an important decision to make. We are blessed that two candidates are running... As an unaffiliated voter, I don’t vote along party lines. That said, I feel that the incumbent, Mitch Bolinsky, is the better choice, and I strongly endorse his re-election.

Mitch has accomplished much in Hartford, ... he has served three terms, his influence, knowledge and relationships are much deeper, as is his ability to deliver for the citizens of Newtown." - Robert Morey

Wednesday, September 5, 2018 12:00 AM

"A Balanced Approach To Government" - Elda Smith's Letter to the Editor

"I came to know Mitch when I reached out to him several years ago to learn more about our state’s massive billion dollar debt and what could be done to address it. Mitch took the time to explain how the state arrived at this point and outlined solutions to address it. What impressed me the most about our conversation was the fact that he took the time to talk to me and listen to my concerns, despite having numerous demands on his time. I felt my voice did matter." - Elda M. Smith

Tuesday, September 4, 2018 12:00 AM

Repesenting Newtown & Our State with Caring and Honor - A Letter to the Editor from Workplace President, Joe Carbone

"Mitch has been a champion for job seekers and families pursuing a better life, employers that endeavor to grow their enterprises, and a compassionate advocate for vulnerable populations."


"As the leader of southwestern Connecticut’s workforce development board, I am grateful for his extraordinary support for the state’s long-term unemployed and holistic approaches to help people regain a financial foothold. Mitch is a frequent visitor to our job training classrooms to share his personal story of perseverance, which instills optimism and confidence in others. I have thought about his remarks and leadership on many occasions and appreciate his candor.

Mitch’s advocacy for education, economic development, and setting partisanship aside for the betterment of our state has made the difference for hundreds of households.

He has been a leader in workforce training, and you can see his commitment to these important issues as he strives to help make government programs more efficient, with greater capacity, and inclusive of diverse partners."

Saturday, August 11, 2018 12:04 AM

State Rep Mitch Bolinsky Awarded State “Clean Elections” Grant for November 2018 Re-Election Bid


Rep. Bolinsky tossing a signature “stress ball” at 2016 Labor Day Parade


NEWTOWN, August 10, 2018 – The re-election campaign of Newtown’s State Rep. Mitch Bolinsky received first review approval of its “Clean Elections” Grant Application at the August 8, 2018 meeting of the State Elections Enforcement Commission (SEEC).

Bolinsky said, “It’s great to qualify right out of the box and max-out our grant. I’m thankful for all our local support and encouragement. With the Citizen’s Election Program
(CIP), I take a pledge to abide by the strict rules and limitations of public financing. Our fundraising is exclusively ‘grass roots’, small contributions from members of our community. No taxpayer money is used for CIP grants and we accepted no contributions from corporations, union, PACs or special interests.

It’s important for the people I serve to know my only interest is the best interests of the people of Newtown. I’m proud my base is 100% local and we, unlike others, didn’t seek out-of-state contributions.” 

“With this hurdle cleared, we’ll focus our energies on meeting more voters and knocking on doors. So far, folks have been happy to see me, welcoming and eager to share their concerns and hopes for a better Connecticut. Every day, people ask for a CT revival...a sustainable comeback. We all want a Connecticut we can again depend on for greater opportunity and freedom from fiscal uncertainty, rising taxes and the turbulence of the Malloy years’ deficit spending. Our state needs to correct 30-years of undisciplined spending and borrowing with no accountability. It’s time to end this insatiable appetite for more and more taxes and now, tolls.

“Newtown residents want to turn our state around, restore its solvency and restore affordability. They know that, by spending more than it can afford, Hartford’s career politicians spin deficits and then, status quo is to raise taxes. For eight-years, this has driven residents, employers and jobs out of state. I say ‘Enough! Connecticut’s worth saving and now is the time!”

“From parents to students to young people entering the job market; from working men and women to seniors facing the cost of aging in place on fixed incomes; the state’s economic problems impact us all. I love speaking to folks about putting Connecticut on a positive path and moving it ahead with structural reforms to make our state a place people want to live, learn, work and play.

Imagine a more efficient Connecticut working for us and investing in an economic turnaround that stabilizes our finances and reduces our cost of living. We can do it - but only if we reject the ‘Hartford tax & spend yes-men & women’ and their rising taxes.”

Bolinsky concluded, “I care deeply about Newtown and every individual I represent. Voters know I thrive on a daily and lifelong dedication to caring and doing good. As Newtown's 3-term State Rep, I am humbled my support crosses party lines and includes so many unaffiliated voters. I have a record of getting things done for our community. Voters seem to notice that.”

Thursday, June 14, 2018 12:00 AM

Rep Bolinsky Respectfully Collects American Flags for Retirement

As a symbol of America, the freedoms we hold dear and those who have sacrificed to defend our great nation’s values, Rep. Mitch Bolinsky organizes an annual flag drive for the respectful retirement of worn American Flags.



Friday, June 8, 2018 12:00 AM

St. Rose School Visits Rep. Bolinsky at the Capitol

HARTFORD – Students from Ms. Davenport’s fourth-grade class at St. Rose School visited the State Capitol on Wednesday, June 6, 2018, and were welcomed by State Representative Mitch Bolinsky (R-Newtown) in the House Chamber.


“The annual visit by St. Rose’s fourth-grade is one I look forward to all year,” beamed Bolinsky. “At this age, they’re already very civically aware, curious and full of great questions. With the help of wonderful teachers like Paula Davenport, we talked about how laws are made and the role of a State Representative as their voice, their parents’ voice and their community’s advocate in matters of the state. Their enthusiasm always makes this one of my favorite days of the year!”

Monday, June 4, 2018 12:00 AM

Bolinsky Participates in On-Field Opening Ceremony for Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

HARTFORD – June, 2018 has been designated as Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month (ABAM) and State Representative Mitch Bolinsky (R-Newtown), a leader in Alzheimer’s advocacy in Connecticut was invited to participate in the on-field Opening Ceremony of Friday’s Hartford Yard Goats baseball game held at Dunkin’ Donuts Park. Bolinsky joined Speaker of the House, Joe Aresimowicz (D-Berlin), Alzheimer’s Association officials and team promotional staff in the presentation of a Governor’s Proclamation to Alzheimer’s Association Connecticut Chapter in recognition of their ongoing advocacy efforts to defeat the disease.


“Raising awareness about the life issues and unique caregiver challenges associated with the onset, diagnosis and progression of Alzheimer’s matters a great deal to me”, said Bolinsky. This holds a big place in my heart and I cannot adequately express how blessed I feel every day to be able to advocate for those with this life-altering affliction and the millions of families and caregivers who sacrifice so much to provide their love-ones with dignity, reassurance and the best quality of life possible. Not everyone can fully comprehend the sense of personal loss that comes with Alzheimer’s. Its effects flare out beyond the individual and extend to caregivers, families and communities. It’s a lonely-feeling journey into a quiet, unrecognizable place.”

* Note: Rep. Bolinsky's father has late-stage Alzheimer's.

Friday, May 11, 2018 12:00 AM

Rep. Bolinsky Please with Bi-Partisan Budget Compromise That is Kind to Newtown

HARTFORD – State Rep Mitch Bolinsky (R-Newtown) voted in favor of a state budget compromise that protects Newtown’s essential state Educational Cost Sharing and Municipal Revenue Sharing grants for all of 2019, without raising taxes or implementing the Governor’s unpopular, expensive plan to enact electronic tolling on state highways.


In addition to no new taxes or tolls, the bi-partisan budget  maintains or advances funding for mental health and critical social service programs for our state’s most vulnerable populations, rescinding earlier cuts made by the Governor.

Rep. Bolinsky and the House Republicans were successful in achieving most of their major proposed policy objectives but, like any good compromise, a proposal he favored to apply about $300-Million to pay down part of the state’s Teachers’ Retirement Program debt and another $300-Million toward the State Employees’ Retirement Program debt were eliminated.  Legislative Democrats balked at the debt payments for fiscal 2019.  The objective will be re-introduced next year.

According to Bolinsky, “This compromise budget keeps Newtown whole and allows our town to budget with a sense of confidence, unlike 2017, when the state budget was four-months late and we were at the whim of the Governor’s executive orders and draconian cuts."

"We restored transportation projects frozen by the Governor This will green-light Newtown’s improvements to the corridor around I-84’s Exit 11, lower Wasserman Way, Route 34 and Toddy Hill Road, and other important infrastructure projects. It rescinds earlier service cuts and fare increases to Metro North rail service, HART bus and SweetHART Para-Transit services and more." 

"It's not a perfect budget but, it represents a quality, bi-partisan compromise that moves the state forward and fulfills our commitments to children, seniors and those with intellectual and developmental disabilities.”


Some House Republican policy wins in this budget include:

  • Fully funding the state’s Medicare Savings Program.
  • Restoring full funding for Retired Teachers Health program.
  • $5-million allocation for emergency placements for Department of Developmental Services patients.
  • Reduce Energy Efficiency Fund sweeps by $10 million.
  • $9.5-million allocation for cost of living increases for private social-service providers.
  • $29-million addition to the Special Transportation Fund by re-directing an existing new car tax to the STF.
  • A hiring freeze on state employees to save $7-million.
  • Maintaining the integrity of CT's constitutional spending & borrowing caps in support of structural reforms that reel-in state spending and bonding. Bolinsky also stressed the need for state government to become more efficient and responsive to its 3.5-million “customers”.

Rep. Bolinsky concluded, “We must turn up the heat on structural reforms and reinvent Connecticut as a more efficient, more disciplined state that spends only what it has. We can’t go back to the taxpayers every year for more taxes, fees, tolls and borrowing to fill budget holes of our own making.


Our message is:

  • Reform our free-spending ways.
  • Balance our budgets.
  • No new taxes.
  • Take care of our most vulnerable.
  • Prosper and grow.”


Friday, May 4, 2018 12:00 AM

Bolinsky Stands Tall, Co-Sponsors Legislation to Prevent Governor from Cutting Local Education Funding

HARTFORD – State Representative Mitch Bolinsky (R-Newtown) voted in favor of new legislation that would protect Education Cost Sharing (ECS) dollars allocated to municipalities like Newtown from being cut by the Executive branch. 


The bill, H.B. 5171: An Act Prohibiting the Executive Branch from Making Rescissions or other Reductions to the Education Cost Sharing Grant During the Fiscal Year, was approved by the House by a final vote tally of 117-32. It was also overwhelmingly passed in the State Senate.

Rep Bolinsky said, “In recent years the governor has treated education funding like a bargaining chip. Remember, in 2017, he stripped Newtown of more than $7-Million before we fought to have it restored. This legislation will prohibit the governor from arbitrary cuts to ECS funds. This not only preserves educational excellence in Newtown but, it also prevents surprises in the Board of Education’s budgeting process, ultimately averting the kind of budget anxiety so many people felt in 2017.”

Support for the legislation was bipartisan. Bolinsky concluded, "This bill is the righteous and fair.  Funding for our kids' education is not a politically divisive subject, it is our obligation!" 

Wednesday, May 2, 2018 12:00 AM

Rep. Bolinsky Worked Across the Aisle to Stop Governor's Education Funding Cuts

By: KEITH M. PHANEUF | May 2, 2018

The House of Representatives adopted a measure Wednesday that would prohibit the governor from reducing education grants to school districts after their budget is adopted.

The measure was a reaction to Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s decision in mid-November to reduce municipal grants by $91 million — including $58 million from the Education Cost Sharing program — to achieve mandated cost savings.

Bolinsky, a six-year member of the Legislature's Education Committee worked in concert on the bill concept, co-sponsoring the measure with committee leadership, including Rep. Andrew Fleischmann, D-West Hartford, House chair of the Education Committee, who stressed "Those cuts did not reflect the approach or values embodied in the ECS formula, and I’m proud of the overwhelming, bipartisan support this bill received.”  

Bolinsky likewise said, "I'm so happy that we all saw this issue through the same lens and got this done with the leadership of Rep. Fleischmann, Senator Slossberg, Rep. Lavielle and the entire committee's unanimous support. Now, it's on to a floor vote in the House."

Saturday, April 28, 2018 12:00 AM

State Rep Mitch Bolinsky Patrols with Newtown Police

NEWTOWN – State Representative Mitch Bolinsky (R-Newtown) had the opportunity to visit with officers of the Newtown Police Department on Saturday, April 28, 2018. During his time at the police station, Bolinsky spoke with officers about local issues and was invited to go on a ride-along with Officer Paula Wickman, a member of the Newtown force for more than seven-years.


Wednesday, April 18, 2018 12:00 AM

Rep. Bolinsky Advocates for Autism Awareness and Acceptance

State Rep. Mitch Bolinsky participated in 2018's Autism Awareness & Acceptance Day on April 18, 2018 at the State Capitol. The event was sponsored by the CT Autism Advocacy Coalition (CAAC).


According to Rep. Bolinsky, "Awareness and education are two primary factors in reversing the stigma associated with those who have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The ASD community is full of bright and talented individuals, who, with the right learning strategies, can have very productive, fulfilling lives, with a little extra support. Inclusiveness and understanding are key to building strength in our community and opportunities for employment, volunteering and socializing are great ways to build great lives..."


Wednesday, April 18, 2018 12:00 AM

Rep. Bolinsky Joins New School Safety Workgroup; Has Concerns that 2013 State Guidelines Need Update, Funding Stream & Compliance Checks

HARTFORD – A bi-partisan School Safety Working Group convened its first meeting to study issues surrounding school safety at the Legislative Office Building on Wednesday, April 18, 2018. State Representative Mitch Bolinsky (R-Newtown) will serve as a member of the working group, which was created earlier in the year.


Rep. Bolinsky explained, “It’s troubling to realize that some of the protective measures concerning school security that were previously passed by the state legislature in 2013 are not being upheld. School security is a primary function of the state government, which is why I felt compelled to join my legislative colleagues to undertake a statewide inventory of procedures, compliance and needs to have best-in-the-nation standards and disciplines here in Connecticut. Ultimately, we will develop positive recommendations to keep our children safe going forward and encourage periodic updates to meet ever-changing challenges and new technologies.”

The group will conduct a comprehensive review of school safety in Connecticut on an on-going basis and make recommendations for the next legislative session in 2019. In addition to state legislators, the working group will include school superintendents, law enforcement/first-responders, mental health professionals, school security consultants, students and parents. The next meeting will convene in May after the conclusion of the legislative session on the 9th.

Saturday, March 17, 2018 2:30 PM

April 4, 2018 DOT Public Hearing at NHS on Improvements Proposed at I-84 Exit 11; Rt. 34; Wasserman Way & Toddy Hill


Newtown - I invite all Newtown residents to attend a Department of Transportation (DOT) Public Hearing concerning proposed intersection improvements on Route 34 at SR 490 (Wasserman Way) and Toddy Hill Road and State Route 490 at I-84 Interchange 11 ramps. The hearing will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 4, 2018 at Newtown High School.

As you know, there's been a long-planned improvement project for the I-84 Exit 11 interchange area that will significantly reduce existing congestion in the area of Newtown High School, the Wasserman Way access point to I-84 and the intersections around Wasserman Way & Berkshire Road, as well as Berkshire (Rt. 34) around Toddy Hill Road.


The Town of Newtown has begun the improvements around Toddy Hill, but recently there have been questions about the State of Connecticut's commitment to the highway access part of the project. Earlier in the year, Governor Malloy announced that all state transportation projects were to be suspended, due to the state’s budget problems.

Suspension is not cancellation! I have been clear from the day of the Governor's announcement that the announced project suspensions were, in most cases, going to be short-term delays until the legislature does its due diligence in mitigating the state’s budget deficit.

Click the link to find out more:…/newtown-transportation-project…/

Wednesday, March 14, 2018 12:00 AM

Rep. Bolinsky Shares Personal Story at Alzheimer's Assoc. Event


HARTFORD - The Alzheimer's Association Connecticut Chapter held its annual Awareness Day at the Capitol. I felt compelled to share my personal experience with Alzheimer's disease and its effect on my father and my family.

On Saturday, we celebrated Dad's 85th birthday. He's looking great but, is not winning his fight with Alzheimer’s disease. Around the first of the year, I became a stranger to him and, just a couple weeks ago, he lost his memory of my mom, the person he’s shared life with for 62-years. The effects of Alzheimer’s disease are heartbreaking, especially for those closest to the person afflicted.

It is important that family and friends also support caregivers so the care they provide does not destroy their own physical & mental health. Respite care and time-away to spend a few hours out of the house can be a godsend…a way to breathe and regather the strength to go on. Do you know someone who is a caregiver? Be an angel, visit for coffee and some adult conversation. If you're comfortable, work your way up to letting your friend or family member make a run to the store or hair salon.

Throughout this journey, I remain optimistic that, as we continue to advocate for awareness and, as research progresses, we may soon see Alzheimer’s First Survivor – hopefully in my lifetime!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018 12:00 AM

Bolinsky Hosts DOT Commissioner Redeker for Transportation Forum


DANBURY–State Representatives Mitch Bolinsky (R-Newtown), Will Duff (R-Bethel), Adam Dunsby (R-Easton), Michael Ferguson (R-Danbury), Steve Harding (R-Brookfield), Gail Lavielle (R-Wilton), Fred Wilms (R-Norwalk), David Arconti (D-Danbury), Bob Godfrey (D-Danbury) and Senator Michael McLachlan were joined by area drivers, bus and train commuters, all having a chance to voice their frustrations with Connecticut’s transportation system, proposed fare hikes and service cuts at a forum with the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation (DOT) James Redeker.

The forum was hosted by Rep. Bolinsky and sponsored by a bipartisan group of legislators from the Route 7 corridor who were concerned about Governor's proposed 21.28 percent fare increase, coupled with significantly reduced service in the corridor serving the areas in and around Danbury.

Additionally, the Governor has moved to cancel over $4 billion in transportation projects state-wide, unless his proposal to bring tolls back to the state and raise taxes, including an increase of 7-cents in the gas tax, new ‘tire tax’, plus taxes on over-the counter medicines, restaurant dining and more are adopted.

Monday, March 5, 2018 12:00 AM

Bolinsky Pushes to Save Lives with Updated Seat-Belt Law

*News Alert* This story was covered by NBC 30 CT News!

Rep Mitch Bolinsky testified before legislative colleagues on the Public Health Committee today regarding his life-saving backseat seat belt initiative, HB-5161: An Act Concerning the Department of Public Health’s Recommendations Regarding Seat Belts.


Passage of this bill will immediately correlate to saving lives. It is an understatement to say that it is common sense to wear your seat belt in a motor vehicle. However, under current Connecticut law, only front-seat occupants are required to wear a seat belt in a vehicle operated by an ‘adult’, 18 or over. I am seeking to change that so that all passengers are buckled up and survive serious car crashes!

Wednesday, February 28, 2018 12:00 AM

Bolinsky Supports Life-Saving AFE Data Collection Measures

HARTFORD – State Representative Mitch Bolinsky (R-Newtown) testified along with Diana Masulli, of Unionville, and her father Frank Bonacci, of Newtown, before the Public Health Committee at the Legislative Office Building on Wednesday, February 28, 2018. The family was among others testifying in support of Senate Bill 166: An Act Adding Amniotic Fluid Embolism To The List Of Adverse Events A Hospital Is Required To Report To The Department Of Public Health.


According to Bolinsky, there is a lack of data surrounding cases of Amniotic Fluid Embolism (AFE). AFE occurs when a mother gives birth; amniotic fluid gets into the blood stream of the mother, causing severe bleeding and sometimes death of the mother and newborn. AFE’s other adverse effects include heart and lung collapse, leading to the possibility of inaccurate or incomplete reporting of childbirth fatalities.

Diana Masulli, an AFE survivor, expressed the importance of the legislation to the committee, “Greater research is needed to not only determine the root of AFE but why some women are at greater risk of death, but research cannot move forward without accurate reporting...

Monday, February 26, 2018 12:00 AM

Bolinsky Introduces Bill to Protect Local Police

Hartford – State Rep. Mitch Bolinsky (R-Newtown) testified before the legislature’s Government Administration and Elections (GAE) Committee on Monday, February 26, 2018 at the Legislative Office Building. Bolinsky spoke in support of his proposal, H.B. 5176 – AN ACT PROTECTING MUNICIPAL POLICE OFFICERS AND THEIR FAMILIES.

Click title to learn more...

Wednesday, February 21, 2018 12:00 AM

Bolinsky Speaks In Support of Animal Welfare Legislation


Hartford – State Representative Mitch Bolinsky (R-106) joined fellow legislators at the Legislative Office Building on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 as part of Connecticut’s Legislative Animal Welfare Caucus. The bi-partisan group of lawmakers shared several initiatives for the 2018 session.

Click on title to read on...

Tuesday, February 20, 2018 12:00 AM

Newtown High Senior & Rep Bolinsky Team up to Change Blood Donation Law


Harrison Eppers, a senior at Newtown High School is on a mission.

His mom, Shelley Eppers is being treated for Multiple Myeloma, a rare blood cancer. Blood transfusions are one of the treatments needed to fight this form of cancer and, one way to assure a regular supply of the life-saving blood needed, some Multiple Myeloma patients hold blood drives.

That’s where Harry comes in. in Late 2017, he & fellow senior Rory Edwards arranged and promoted a Red Cross blood drive at Newtown High School to help his mom. Students, faculty and community members came together to donate blood for Mrs. Eppers and the drive was a success. But, the boys learned it could have been twice as big, if not for a shortcoming in state law. Unlike most other states, Connecticut law did not allow individuals under the age of 17 to be blood donors.

Enter State Representative Mitch Bolinsky. Harry contacted the local lawmaker, who listened to his appeal to change the law and agreed it should be done. Bolinsky promised to research and initiate the change, in honor of Harry’s mom and; and to donate a pint of his own blood to Harry’s drive. 

The result was HB-5160, AN ACT CONCERNING THE DONATION OF BLOOD BY MINORS, already raised by the Public Health Committee and building the support needed to go-all-the-way!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018 12:00 AM

Bolinsky and Area Legislators to Host DOT Commish in Danbury, March 5, 2018 to Discuss Rail, Area Transport Issues

Area Legislators and state transportation Commissioner James Redeker will hold a 7:00PM informational session on March 5 at Danbury City Hall to hear concerns about a controversial plan to dramatically cut service along the Danbury Branch rail line.

The Department of Transportation, in an effort to deal with more than $60 million in state budget cuts, has proposed reducing off-peak services, eliminating weekend service and increasing fares on the line.

The meeting, is being held at the request of State Rep. Mitch Bolinsky, a Republican who represents Newtown.

“We’ve made a lot of progress and improvements along the line in recent years and this would a real step backwards,” Bolinsky said. "DOT overlooked the Danbury area in it's schedule of Public Hearings about transit concerns and I felt strongly that area residents needed a forum at which to voice concerns about transportation as a whole and the rail line, in particular.  Commissioner Redeker is a responsive, engaged leader and he jumped on our invitation. He and his team are great listeners.  My fellow area Legislators and I are looking forward to March 5th."


DOT Commissioner Redeker & Rep. Bolinsky meet with Riverside residents 


Thursday, February 8, 2018 12:00 AM

Reaction to the Governor's State of the State

Newtown Representative Mitch Bolinsky (R-106), who has bristled and reacted strongly over many of this governor’s previous ideas, was diplomatic in his reactions after hearing this year’s State of the State remarks.

“The governor’s final State of the State address was nicely presented and, in terms of social issues, delivered passionately, especially, as he mentioned several times, the tumult in Washington,” Rep Bolinsky said. “However, it left me feeling strangely empty... I was puzzled by his not making a single mention of Connecticut’s fiscal challenges.”

Rep Bolinsky pointed out the state’s unavoidable and precarious financial position and the “mountain of debt that we must deal with before spending or bonding more at a time when we may not be able to pay our current obligations.”

“In every community, including Newtown, there are people, families, and small businesses living on the edge. I believe we have a solemn obligation to fiscally shore up our state, make it sustainable, more affordable, and a destination for new jobs, skilled residents to fill them, and their families. That will position us to invest more in new promises.”

{Click to read more...}

Wednesday, February 7, 2018 12:00 AM

Newtown First Selecman & Council Chairman Join Rep. Bolinsky for Opening Day


State Representative Mitch Bolinsky (R-106) participated in the Opening Day ceremonies as the Connecticut General Assembly gaveled in for business for the 2018 Legislative Session on Wednesday, February 07, 2018.

Despite a winter storm, Bolinsky was grateful his invited guests, First Selectman Dan Rosenthal & Legislative Council Chair, Paul Lundquist could be there to share the day.

Prior to introducing them to the entire membership of the House of Representatives, Bolinsky stressed the importance for a free exchange of ideas this session in order to create sound public policy that is not stymied by party ideologies.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018 12:00 AM

Bolinsky Says "NO WAY & NO MORE" to Governors Taxing Toll Plan

The governor has called for the implementation of the nation’s highest per-user electronic tolling network for Connecticut, on top of a 7-cent per-gallon increase in the state gas tax and a brand-new 3-dollar per-tire tax. Talk about crippling our state and forcing people, businesses and jobs out in droves!

We all need to shout “NO WAY and NO MORE!” loud enough to shake the state capitol because, in total, this would become the largest effective tax increase in Connecticut history. By a lot.

In light of our declining state population and revenues, I think CT must reform government to become more efficient and do more with less, like the rest of us do in our own personal finances. This plan is crazy.

Let me demonstrate just how crazy. Click on the link for a financial impact example, using my wife and I as examples...

Monday, February 5, 2018 12:00 AM

NBC-CT's Coverage of Proposed Seat-Belt Law Update

Friday, February 2, 2018 12:00 AM

Bolinsky to Seek 4th Term in Service to Newtown

Wanting to put his energies toward advocating for Newtown and its constituents, while parlaying his statehouse experience to help affect structural changes Connecticut needs to attract new residents and retain the taxpayers and businesses here now, Republican incumbent 106th District State Representative Mitch Bolinsky announced his candidacy for a fourth term this week.

In a January 30 meeting with The Newtown Bee, Rep Bolinsky laid the foundation of his first 2018 campaign pitch saying how much he and his family love being part of the Newtown community.

During his interview, Rep Bolinsky took aim at subjects ranging from his own concerns about the lack of transparency and presumed benefits for at least some state residents in the new federal tax plan, statewide transportation funding challenges, to a desperate need for structural state government reform, overhauling spending controls, using technology to streamline agency services and rolling back unfunded state mandates on communities like ours.

“I’m seeing progress in developing ways to get our state out of a really deep hole,” he said of the most recent efforts toward various reforms.

{Click to read more...}

Friday, February 2, 2018 12:00 AM

Bolinsky, Sredzinski, Duff Hwang Hold Pre-Session Town Hall

A town hall-style gathering took place at the C.H. Booth Library on Monday, January 29, with Republican State Reps Mitch Bolinsky, Will Duff, and JP Sredzinski, and Senator Tony Hwang.

Rep. Bolinsky welcomed those in attendance, saying “The important thing is that you took the time, energy and initiative to show up and we really want to hear what you want to say.”

The pre-session update then sought to answer questions and solicit the opinions & concerns of residents prior to the start of the CT General Assembly's 2018 session, on February 7th.

Members of the public received a packet provided by the Office of Legislative Research titled “2018 Major Issues”, identifying and describing a brief description of topics that may become issues in the upcoming General Assembly.

Friday, December 15, 2017 12:00 AM

Newtown Troop 270 Recognizes 97th Eagle Scout

Boy Scout Troop 270, sponsored by Newtown Congregational Church, recently honored and recognized Justin Cicarelli its 97th Eagle Scout.

Family, friends, and members of Troop 270 attended the ceremony on November 25, when Justin received scouting’s highest award. The audience included Steve Agnew, Scatacook District chair for CT Yankee Council/Boy Scouts of America, CT State Representative Mitch Bolinsky and First Selectman, Daniel Rosenthal, both of whom presented citations of honor.

Other local and national government leaders forwarded letters of recognition as well.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:00 AM

Newtown Middle School Students Visit the Capitol

Reps. Mitch Bolinsky & JP Sredzinski hosted students from Newtown Middle School’s 7th Grade at the State Capitol where they were staked to an understanding of our state legislature and the workings of state government as a whole.

State Rep. Mitch Bolinsky reflected on the visit... “Nothing better than a visit from Newtown’s future leaders on the floor of the House of Representatives. Thanks to Newtown Middle School’s 7th-Graders for their energy, interest & great questions; to their teachers, Ms. Oliver, Ms. Contra, Ms. Stevens & Ms. Musco; and to the parents & staff chaperones for a wonderful day at the Capitol!”

Tuesday, October 24, 2017 12:00 AM

Bolinsky Reports Bipartisan, Consensus Budget Reached

State Rep Mitch Bolinsky (R-Newtown) reported Tuesday, October 24, that a bipartisan, consensus budget has been reached and it is kind to Newtown, restoring Education and Municipal funding.

“I am at Capitol and will know the details in a few hours,” Mr Bolinsky e-mailed The Newtown Bee at noon, “but, for now, I want you to know how tenaciously Newtown’s state delegation has worked to rectify what were some very unfair cuts."

“Again, final details will follow but, highlights will include:
*Restoration of nearly all of Newtown’s education cost sharing dollars ($4.65M & $4.76M) for FYs 18 and 19, as well as our municipal revenue sharing ($3.5M) . Recall that the Governor & majority’s last proposals had us zeroed or near zeroed out."

Paid for by Mitch for Newtown 2024, Derek Pisani, Treasurer.
Approved by Mitch Bolinsky.
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